Pre-trial detainee case settles 12/18/19

A pre-trial detainee held in Will County Detention Center filed his lawsuit pro se based on the bad health conditions he faced while being held in the detention center. I came into the Plaintiff’s case just before settlement. Today, a pleasant and amiable settlement conference resolved all issues in the case to Plaintiff’s satisfaction. Below is the court order.

Melinda Power
Northern District of Illinois - CM/ECF LIVE, Ver 6.3.1

The following transaction was entered on 12/18/2019 at 3:20 PM CST and filed on 12/18/2019
Case Name:Unger v. Santerelli et alCase Number:1:18-cv-05185

Docket Text:
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Jeffrey Cole:Settlement conference held on 12/18/2019. The case is settled. I would be remiss if I failed to note not only the very high quality of the work done by counsel in the case but their extremely cooperative and collegial and mutually respectful behavior. The plaintiff was represented by Melinda Power of West Town Community Law Office in Chicago. The defendants were represented by Martin McManaman of Lowis & Gellen LLP in Chicago and Adam Lipetz, Assistant States Attorney in Joliet. They displayed an extraordinary measure of excellence and courtesy that is unfortunately all too rare in today's fractious and overly competitive atmosphere. They brought conspicuous skills to this case, and their conduct is proof that lawyers can act civilly and courteously in their dealings with each other without sacrificing in the slightest the obligations they owe to their clients. They were at all times flexible and receptive to the views of the opposing party. Without the skill and patience that everyone brought to the conference, it would not have had the successful outcome that it did.